Sunday, May 19, 2013

Character Analysis: Laertes

1. "The inward service of the mind and soul grows wide withal. Perhaps he loves you now, and now no soil nor cautel doth besmirch  the virtue of his will..." (I.3.13-16)
  Laertes is giving his sister, Ophelia, a lecture on Hamlet; just like Polonius did (like father, like son I guess). He is warning her to watch out for Hamlet as well. It seems like Laertes really cares about his sister, but I feel as though he is trying to seem much more knowledgeable than he really is. If  you read his whole speech, he says many things that make sense, and many things that just do not apply. He seems very controlling of her, while also trying to play the "big brother" role.

2. "Where is this king? - Sirs, stand you all without." (IV.5.112)
  Laertes is very courageous and quick to action. He heard that his father was killed and he rushed angrily to the scene seeking revenge. Laertes thought that Claudius killed his father so he came to the castle banging on the doors. Laertes is very quick to action, rather than Hamlet who chooses to wait for the right time.

3. "To this point I stand, That both the worlds I give to negligence, Let come what comes, only I'll be revenged most throughly for my father." (IV.5.133-136)
    Laertes really did love his father and it is very obvious through this quote alone. He is telling Claudius that he does not care what happens to him in this world or the next one, as long as he gets revenge.

4. "A sister driven into desp'rate terms, whose worth, if praises may go back again, stood challenger on mount of all the age for her perfections." (IV.7. 26-29)
 Laertes is so sweet! The readers can tell that he loves his sister, Ophelia, because of the way he praises her in this quote. Along with how he warned her about Hamlet earlier in the play. Laertes said that she was the most perfect girl of all the age. I have a brother, and I do not think he would ever say that about me. That is a super nice thing for a brother to say of his sister, especially to say it honestly.

5. "To cut his throat i' th' church!" (IV.7.127)
   Laertes is telling Claudies that he would cut Hamlet's throat in church. Clearly, the church is the last place someone would commit a murder. However, Laertes wants revenge so desperately that he would do it anywhere and at any time.

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