Sunday, May 19, 2013

Character Analysis: Polonius

1. "And these few precepts in thy memory look thou character. Give thy thoughts no tongue..." (I.3. 58-59)
   I have realized that Polonius has a habit of rambling on and on to his children. Polonius is saying this long speech to his son Laertes before he leaves for his trip. He basically warns Laertes not to be too friendly, not to act on what he is thinking, and to neither borrow nor lend money to anyone. Polonius gives him a long lecture on what to do when Laertes most likely already knows everything his father is saying to him.

2. "For Lord Hamlet, believe so much in him that he is young, and with a larger tether may he walk than may be given you. In few, Ophelia, do not believe his vows, for they are brokers..." (I.3.123-127)
  Polonius, yet again, is giving another lecture to his child. He is telling Ophelia his opinion of Hamlet in very strong terms. From this quote, it does not seem like Polonius is such a big fan of Hamlet because he is speaking so poorly of him. Polonius is telling his daughter that when Hamlet tells her he loves her, there is a good chance that he does not mean it. Polonius ends his lecture by ordering her not to talk to Hamlet.

3. "You shall do marvell's wisely, good Reynaldo, before you visit him, to make inquire of his behavior." (II.1.2-4)
    Polonius is sending one of his men to spy on his son Laertes in France. This quote portrays the lack of trust that Polonius has in his son. Polonius is telling Reynaldo to find out what Laertes has been up to before he approaches him.

4. "If the circumstances lead me, I will find where the truth is hid, though it were hid indeed within the center." (II.2.157-159)
  Polonius says this to Gertrude and King Claudius when he tells them that Hamlet is crazy. He thinks they should spy on him to find out what the true reason for his craziness is. Polonius always has to be the one to find out the truth. He always feels the need to spy and come up with plans to figure things out. He tries to be sneaky and deceptive.

5. "Let his queen mother all alone entreat him to show his grief. Let her be round with him, and I'll be placed, so please you, in the ear of all their conference." (III.1.185-188)
   And again, Polonius is planning to spy on someone! He is saying this to Claudius because everyone knows that Hamlet is upset or "crazy," so Polonius created a plan to hide behind a curtain while the Queen and Hamlet converse about why he is upset. Little does he know, that this plan will be the cause of his death. That's what he gets for being such a sneaky creep.

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